Welcome, Foreigner
Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy your little tour. Decrease ambient lights, fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy following the leader inside front, back, statistics, and creative coding.
Who am I?
First of all, I am a french engineer dedicated to software programming since 2012. I started professional (recreative) coding in research laboratories, with aeronautics and military customers focused on interfaces ergonomics, analysis, and design. I developed features and softwares through off-the-shelves methodologies, both on new and old devices. I worked in creative environment like live performances, kids workshops, virtual and augmented reality for industrial customers too.
Learn. Observe and Do Things with Intention.
Please: share
Comments sections will be added soon. Meanwhile, you can also contact me at : jconan@outlook.fr or have a look at my profile LinkedIn. Don't hesitate to come and talk to me about your works and maybe mine.
Is this magic?
You may ask yourself, how this guy could write a blog in full .js starting in 2012, even since Gatsby framework wasn't created yet. In fact, I started writing those articles in 2018, then I thought about how I became a software developer, a question asked by a lot of beginners nowadays. My story started a long time ago, and I take advantage of this exercice to remember myself how I have been through and share my experiences here with you. Time doesn't matter, if you can control it. Have a nice visit!
Last, bot not least
If you are new to markdown and Gatsby, consider those two links which may be quite useful:
How I Created My Blog With Gatsby
Mastering Markdown
Gatsby Quick Start
Gatsby Starter Blog